this is when we tell the teacher and they think we fake it as we didnt do the homework.

Cunning but cute.
Awhist a journey back home..
a moment of calm peaceful night.
the air was still and motionless.
the stars were playing hide-go-seek.
it was dark. it was quiet.
Every night after completing my work in school, i would walk to my bus stop.
However, instead of taking bus 65 which is at Peace Center i went to take bus 61 at Bras Basah.
I walked passed NAFA and turn to a lane which i would normally take. It is a long route but i just feel like walking. Every tiny veins on my feets tells a story.
And this night i will tell my story..
I admitted that i am lonely.
I feel all empty and motionless.
Everyday i eat, i drink, i work, i shop, i walk, i talk, i sit..
Alone in my own world.
I wish to call someone, a friend, a person..
but i didnt.
I feel that i need to ask in order to have.
But maybe not.
i shall not ask anymore.
i shall push myself to walk alone, sit alone, eat alone, talk alone.
I have God.
He listens to me. He makes me happy.
He didnt abandon me.
He didnt leave me alone.
How i wish he was here.
How much i believe it maybe, Syahid it would not be.
It would never be.
He would never be.
I need someone.
And i pray for he is God's love for me.

and walked

and walked

and walked..
You wouldnt understand me.
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