Guess what? Ramadhan is finally here. Oh gosh, a year had passed quite fast though. Fasting month and yesh its brilliant for me! I can go on a strict diet programme for a month from now! Woohoo~ I feel so BIG after reading Quincy's blog about 'Yo Mama' Oh dear.. so much school's works to be completed, so little time left. Submission due next week Tuesday and my croques are not done up yet! Shit~ Adding to this BADness, I'll be working on this Thursday to Sunday can?! *Faint*
My 1st of fasting was good and "Syukur" that I managed to fulfil one of God's task. (My kittens are biting each other) 30 days from now would be 'Hari Raya' but seems like this year would be some kind strange. Well, after my Dad's passes it just feel that my family are small. A single parent supporting my brother and I, mostly myself but I don't feel good at all.
This Raya would be a small one I guess, with me not really bother by it since every year I dont really cerebrate it. I would just want to accomplish my task to God and that's all, I find it most important rather than having a celebration after when Satans are let free.. how IRONIC!
Pattern Drafting class today.
I came late,
Adrian is still cute.
Winston was absence from class.
Daniel's hair is cute.
Daniel's hair is cute.
Lionel's wet.
Spotlight is F***ing EXPENSIVE.
I fell asleep in the bus.
I miss Eddee.
I thought of Quincy.
I cried.
I break fast.
Chat with Eugene.

Daniel's plush toy with ACUPUNTURE!

Skin reaction to something. No idea what =(
[Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me
Whisper's "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms]
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