Moral of this topic?
Appreciate each time well.
What's this?
I almost completed my jacket assignment which due this Monday. How careless can I be?! I left my pocket patterns at home if not I could have done it by then.
Children were just a handful this session. Perhaps its not the weekends yet. Cute men around though (Giggles) After work, I went to my Ex-secondary school friend's father's funeral wake. Tell me? Why are there so many death tolls this year? In a way people around me. Boon Chong's dad passed away on Thursday due to heart disease which is just known to himself. I didnt expect this. Believe it or not, when once's lifespan is done, it will leave at the speed of light. So appreciate everything surrounding you. Once its gone, its really no longer available.
Speaking from my experience.
My Best Pal & I
As you guys might know, someone special to me will be leaving for NS soon. Real soon that I can't believe it myself. We are grown up and soon we will lead a life of a full pledge adult. He will be going in this coming Monday, 15 Sept 2008, and I was told this like about a few month before. Although I am prepare to understand his dismissal but I couldn't stop thinking about how soon this is. Once he is in, I would be so alone. All the naggings, yellings, the sciencific chimology and the "Shibye!!" would be missed. That little feminine-looking boy will grow to became a 'Man'.
I would not have anyone to ask about something which I dont know or help out in my project especially cutting my research photos. No one to call for dinner and supper. No one to shop with, gossip with, and laugh about with. Despite having other good, fine friends to acquintances evolving around me, he is still one of the closest not just for fun and laughters or even a companion but he is part of my life. My family. I cried for him and I pray for him. Despite the different race and religion, I would still pray for I would still kept him with me till I see the light to Heaven's gate.
He once told me
"See, who is your good friend?"
I would say to him with my nose so high saying
" You are the bestest that God had given to me."
Quincy is his name. I feel so blessed to have known him through out my journey in life.
Good luck with the NS! (PS: DONT GET LOST!!)

"Shibye.. shibye.. shibye.. shibye.. shibye!!"
Who was there when I need to shed my tears?
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