It was rainning this morning and the weather was damn cold and freezing~
The shows were as usual getting boring and tired of the same old routines and dance steps. He was there but we seldom talk recently. I hate you though for not being Himself and I guessed He is still thinking about the incident. WHATEVER LAH!
Today was one of my best & closest friend birthday. Now he is 20th and needs to grow up. Well, grow up in which of height?! (Laugh)
Just kidding man! Quincy, I love you!
Thank you for the treats =)
Athough it make us high and drunk, thats normally what we are!
May your future will be bright and shiny like my Swarovski crystals!!
HEY BTW PEOPLE!! I seriously didn't flirt with the New Urban Male guy at Heeren!!!
He's name is Jimmy and I was just asking him whether I could get discount for the flops that Quincy bought so that he would pay less. Seriously lah.. He sounded cute and funny lah but I was not flirting lah! Stupid you, ELVIN!! Stop smiling at me about Jimmy can?! I was just being nice. But silly boy lah Jimmy! I asked whether I could get. He replied that if we are from NP, RP or TP could get a discount so I said back "what if I'm not but from another school? Could you give me?" He was thinking hard but I felt embarrassed and bad lah! He is new and He could not give me cause He don't know how =) Silly boy!
Quincy's Birthday Treats @ Cenele, Raffles

Foret Noire (Black Forest)

Choc Chip

Violet Meringue, Caraibe & Chocolat Classique
This is the MERINGUE!!

Quincy acting cute and innocent on his Birthday!

Me, Myself & Mr Crepe

Winson Phua, Elvin Quek, Syahston Syah, Quincy T. & XN

Quincy went abit TOO high and drunk over Chocolate =)
Happy 20th Birthday,

Supper celebration @ Yassin
Thanks For Nothing!"

Nasi Briyani & Syrup Limau!

The MEN!
Final Portrait

Winson Phua, Elvin Quek, Syahston Syah, Quincy T. & XN
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