Believe it or not? This is my 1st time entering a gay club, PLAY which located at Chinatown. I went with a few others who are either confused in sexual preference or not that straight as they seems. Well, if I were to discuss about such matter it would ended up as a novel prize winner at Kinokuniya. Talking about being labeled as 'Gay' is quite sensitive to certain individuals but it has grown enormously worldwide. Its like fashion trends that are going commercial. Looking at NUM or NewUrbanMale for instance, people didnt realised that it is a gay brand and surprisely almost everyone owns at least one NUM product. Now gays are going from girly sissy tranny to MUSCULINE hunky and straight-looking. Well if you asked me, I wont be able to differenciate the gays with the straights. Perhaps a handful when my 'gay'dar detact the aura of gay-ism! haha!

Underwears Fashion Show by Male Models
Dominic (So cute) , Myself & Joel
Dominic, Myself, Joel & Franco
Jazz & I cam. whoring in the early morning after clubbing!
Joel fast alseep!
I forgotten his name AGAIN! He is sweet and cute.
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