Today is the 7th day after daddy's burial. My family are making this kenduri for his journey afterlife. After One had leave this world, all their blessings and prayers duties for God will be cut off and had no longer able to fulfill one's duty. Therefore, in order for their duties to continue till Judgement Day, those who are living will have to pray for them. There will be more 'Kenduri's after this 7th day. 40th day and 100th day. These are to remind us of him and our duties to God as well =)
Me waiting for Terence.. what else? Camwhoring moments!

OMG~ too cute little tiny girl in PINK bareback top! Hoohoo~

The family.
Rightt.. Thats HUGE head is Nabilah, my niece, beside her is one of my closest cousin Rais' girlfriend Kiki, my brother in cap and his girlfriend, Kak Nur in the white kebaya =)

My brother & my third sister that was adopted by one sweet family.
For your info, I was wearing a long tunic dress called 'Jubah' in arabic.
I feel like a girl! =S

Ikhsan, my nephew & I being WEE-etarted!!
Thats how I looked like when I was his age. We look alike when I was little =)
I'll upload it soon k.

Yesh Yesh! Just being RETARTED AND SPASTIC =s
My 1st Sis, Bro, Nephew & I

God bless you guys.
Zai.. Zai.. HAHA!
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