Yes, Thursday is here! My last day of school for the week. National Day is this Saturday and Monday will be a public holiday for all!! (Laughs spastically) Yay-ness! BUT I have tons and tons of school work to be completed. (Cries) Today during Design class, Lionel Roudaut (Head-of-Fashion Lecturer) also my design lecturer for my class gave us a PILE of work to do this holiday! Sha-cre-blur!! I have researching to analys for the Autumn-Winter 2008/09. Looking at sihouette, colours, embellishment, texture/fabrics, concept and etc. Well, with him and his french accent that is non-understandable and gay aura which creeps me to my ends, I am so gonna need a translator around him. Even my classmates couldn't get him. As Aaron added on that our lecturer is deaf as well!! Oh dear.. PANICKED!!
30 designs croques with garments and making the toile of the women's jacket, one word.. HELL.

A candid shot of Lionel, my classmate (not Lionel Roudaut) looking cute, that tall guy walking toward me is Daniel, the guy in orange/yellow is Matthew, the blue skirt is Chacha, at the door is Susie Reevs also our Design lecturer teaching FD5A & an unknown girl in white from 5A =)
They are just Foundation student having External Drawing class at the Grass patch with their A2 pad which I used to carry around when I was in Foundation...
AAAaaahhhh!! (Traumatized)

This is how college look like when school commences. MESSY!

Oh ya, this is the magazine I bought yesterday. CAKE =)
Price: $8

And my BLACK LEATHER SKETCHBOOK from Kinokuniya!
which I feel cheated! (Sad) but I loove it =)
Price: $18.90
Adding on to Yesterday..
When I was at Mac with the rest, I completely forgot to mention about a group of International guys that reeds of accent. 2 asians (Korean-looks) & a caucasian that look like an Aussie. OK.
The story goes like this. As we were like seated with 4 tables for 5 people (having to much greed) and they came to Mac with their decks (skateboards) seated quite opposite to us. Leaving their bags and decks in the middle of the floor. Didn't really bother much, just told Syahirah that one of the asian guy with them is cute (Giggles) and they were getting a drink, I mean like only him got a drink. Awhile later, they were leaving, getting the bag and all and the asian guy was complaining that he is lazy to bring his deck. So without much thinking, he asked me whether I would want his deck. Astonished and stunned, my first thought was HELL no. Madness! Me carrying the deck back with a Louis Vuitton bag, short pants with slippers?!! Nooo..
But after much thoughts and dicussion with the rest.. OMG! we should have take it so one day we can go skateboearding again with the extra deck to practise our stunts! Shit =(
But oh well, this is madness BUT his still cute =)
Tuu lu lu~
Au revoir!
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