Happy 20th Birthday
She's my another twin! Omg! You are older now. Welcome to the twenthies-ness! Have a butterfliously colourful 'A' Birthday Sis!

Cute la.. PEANUTS!
Reason: Her boyfriend's fancy name (Laughs)

After the whole craziness moments of gossiping and laughing our head off rolling, the guys went off and I stayed in school for abit. I went to do my school work research and all and met Jerry and WINSTON especially on my way to my fashion studio unfortunately. Of all WHY should I see him?! Jerry urged me to follow them go down for a smoke but I rejected because I would not want to see Winston or to even get close to him. It hurts deep enough.
I checked the sewing room and realised his bag and decided to move to the fashion studio. I was doing my work alone in the empty huge white room with glass windows that gave me the urged to jump. Then, Jerry spooked me with his annoying ghostly voice. He came in and chat with me and there Winston appeared thereafter. He said "Hi' but I just smiled. He spoke to me but I feel the not to answer, yet again I did. We talked about what each of our themes were and our conversation leads to another subject instead. He also told me that he is working on every Sunday for now. He looked thru my works and had topics to mingle about however, I feel the need to cry as well. Although the pass is buried then again I still have the stain of him in my heart. My head hurts. My migraine are coming back. Everything feel spinning. They went back to their place and I just continued my work as for normal and soon by 7pm I packed my things and leave to meet Quincy in town. They were leaving as well and we met again at my door. We left together talking to Jerry only and after He forgotten and walked the wrong direction. (Sigh) Jerry and I left together.
Upon meeting Quincy at Takashimaya's MacD, guess who I met?!! (Excited yet depressing) I met Eddee Ignatius Peh! I wanna cry la! Of all places really?! I really didn't expected to have met him like coincidencely or whatsoever. Its just not expected! I wanted to screams! I really do. The feeling to say hi but nooo.. I couldn't. We are just strangers sad to say. (Cries deeply)
If only he knew..
We were walking at the same direction and at first he was behind me until I found his shoes familiar. He was wearing a white top and black skinny jeans, white red Pony canvas shoes with a Crumpler sling bag across his sexy bod. (Giggles) Just like what he wore in one of his photo. Surprising we have the same height. I thot he was tall from his photos. He looked at me! I couldn't give a eye contact as i'm shy =( We went separate ways after reaching at the orchard MRT the junction. He was heading to Shaw Tower direction while I am going to Taka. Why?! Why is wrong with TODAY?
Met Quincy and Zai, went to Far East to get my Bubble Tea! Zai getting his 'Chao Da Chi Bai!'
Mingled in Starbuck for a short while and went home. I met a junior of mine from dance, Naqiah and FUCK! the bus broke down at Macpherson Road.. So stoopid!
Weird day indeed.
Finally reached home and SHit!
Migraine is back! Please no spasm, P L E A S E !!
OK. I am so needed to sleep.
Love you..
Eddee =)
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