
Olympic 2008



Friday, July 25, 2008

About ME

Got this from Timonty's blog, one of Daryl Pan's friend =)
Boredom that's why..

A: If you were an ANIMAL, what would you be?
I want to be PEGASUS! cause I WANT TO FLY FAR FAR AWAY..
B: BOOKS: Whats on your reading list?
VOGUE, Harper's Bazaar.. yada yada.. Fashion stuffs!
C: COMPULSIVE about anything?
Not really. See my budget if not BUY!!
D: DREAMS do you dream in color? Do you remember your dreams?
Oh yes, mostly love, fantasy and sadness.
E: EATING: What is your usual snacks?
Hmm.. NUTELLA! omg~ its extremely chocolicious! =)
F: A few of your FAVORITE things
G U C C I ~ (Laughs) My PINK APPLE IPOD! Je'taime musique =) =) =)
AND.. all my necklaces!
G: GIGGLES! Who (or what) makes you laugh? Do you have a good sense of humor?
Yeah i guess i got one. Other than that are my silly, idiotic friends who wanna kill each other guts for 8 years.
H: major HOT button:
My arse! OMG~ no no no..
I: I am
J: JOB whats your dream job?
To be a well known Fashion Designer! Tada!
K: Also KNOWN as: Aliases? Screen names? Nicknames?
Syah, Syahston, Ahid (Don't call me this. Family only).. oh ya BOTAK -.=
L: I LOVE ..
God, Mum & all my CATSS..! (Someone too but I realised animals are better off than MEN)
M: How do you feel about MEETING people? Do it all the time, or rarely? Parties or one-on-one?
I like knowing and meeting new people BUT depends. Only out going to some. Fate? I guess. A big group is fun but I dont mind one-on-one =)
N: Whats the story of your NAME? Were you named after anyone?
In the Qur'an, it mentioned that who-so-ever who died in an Islamic war not as in like the JI but to behold the religion rights, will die with my name (Syahid) shall be glorified by the Angels and will live in His Heaven. WOW~ such a huge thing.
O: OBSERVANT .. Whats around you right now? What do you see?
My cat (Baby) scratching her head and a bottle of herbal tea. Other than these.. MESS!
P: Who are the special PEOPLE in your life?
The First Love, The Bestie, my immediate family.. and a few friends who have stood the tribulations.
Q: Any little QUIRKS about yourself?
I eat chicken bones to pieces? Chatting with my cats.. MOONDANCE! to EVENLY spread my nutella on bread or even rice. Chasing my cats around the house.
AND cry unexpectedly.. i declare myself weird.
R: What do you like to do for RECREATION?
Swimming, cycling, moondancing, KAYAKING! volleyballing.. BODY-BAKING!
S: Do you SING in the shower? In the car? For your friends?
Everywhere..? (Blush)
T: Whats at the top of your TO-DO list?
My kimono wrap, unfinished business =(
U: Any UNUSUAL experiences?
YESH! In Lasalle old campus, Aaron said there a man beside me in the dark room during photography class =X omg~
V: VEGAS, Vienna, Venice .. How far have you traveled? Whats your favorite city?
Malaysia ( Johor, KL, Sarawak, Terungdano, Genting.. etc), Indonesia (Surabaya.. etc) so sad.. not alot of places as both my parents are already quite aged =( Sigh!
But I dream to go Japan and Paris..
W: WINTER, spring, summer, fall .. whats your favorite season? What makes it special?
Fall! AUTUMN! Semi of both hot and cold =)
X: EXes .. things you dont do anymore (but did, once)
I hope drinking. (Laughs) Too many sins!
Y: Any secret deep YEARNINGS?
Someone. AND Christie, Although things do changed and all.. I still do love you.
Z: ZERO to ZENITH - Where are you in your life? Still growing? On an upward (or downward) curve? Just skating along?
SOMEWHERE to my goal but still long. ACCELERATION! Not skating (Cant skate) but flying..!!! VOOM~


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