
Olympic 2008



Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Story of My Father.. and His Departure

In Loving Memory of My Dearest Dad..
- Haji Mohamed Isnin Bin Ahmad -
1940 - 2008
Kembali Kesisi Allah

The night of upredictable moment, I was with Jazz, Dominic & Tyrone after Joel left for St James. I was thinking of going to the Black Ball on that Sunday but I was feeling uncomfortable.
At 9.30pm, my brother's girlfriend called me to come home quick. This time she didn't said "Adik" but my name. Very unsual. I rushed back and realised there were many people at my house. Oh my God, my dad was about to leave. I stoned at the corner of the wall, looking at my dad who was breathing hard and uncontrollablely. My uncle was reciting the 'Selawat' to him hopefully he says it before he depart. My mum was reciting the 'Yassin' and soon the doctor arrived at our humble home. He told us a bad news about him and he had only less than 24hours for now. It's time he have to go. He continued that let's nature takes its course. All of us burst to tears and asked for forgiveness and all. I was really helpless. I was not prepared for this to happen, not now not soon.
That night, Xin ning, Hazel and Dearest Edwin came down. I appreciate you guys for coming down to see me. Thank you. By then my dad was still breathing and some of my relatives went home and await for the time. Some stayed over and pray. I went down with my friends and had Mcdonald deliveried to my void deck.
I chat with one of my cousin who I had never see before. He is 26 and his name is Abang Yan (for respect). He knew me since i was little but he doubts as well that I would remember him and he was okay with it. He talks to me about my dad and all. Family stuffs.
After my friends and relatives left, I sat on the floor beside my dad's and recited the 'Al-fatihah' continueously. Follow by the 'Yassin' and the 'Tahlil' that almost dozed me to sleep.
The 'Yassin' is a surah that reminds a person about life and death, God and the whole life of the living World.
The 'Tahlil' is another surah that praises the Lord and all. However, the surah is so long and some verses are to repeat for 100 times, followed by 33 times and 7 times. its long and needed alot of endurance and patience.

I sat to recited all those and was eating these seedless grapes that my dad love and ate before he goes.


When my brother woke me up and said that 'Baba' might leaves anything now. My mum was awake and reciting the 'Selawat' to him. I went to bath and when I came out and continued from my mum, my brother cried out and everyone was in tears. I just stoned and the passed was to fast to absorb. Soon after I still continued the 'Selawat' and cried with it. Once someone passed, he will leave fast to accept the facts.

I stood on the floor beside his bed and recited the 'Yassin'. I cried while I recited it calmly. Boys are not meant to cry but I couldn't hold my tears like others. I believe God makes tears to cry as I have feelings of love. His funeral will soon commences. The bathing, the 'Kapan', the prayers and the burial.

For being his only son, I have alot of works and things to do. I have to do all of it but will help of course. My hands were shaking uncontrollablely. At noon, the bathing was held. The Ustaz cleaned my dad's body and my dad's doted nephew and I cleaned his legs. My nephew helped as well. I can't say much as we can't leak what happened during the Bath to others.

After that, the 'Kapan' will begins. It is a preparation of dressing the body of the dead using only the kain kapan (a white plain cloth from Mekah). Followed by the sprinkle of flowers and soil and the mawar flower (Rose). Dressing is only with a piece of cloth from above the belly button to below the knees for men. While women have to cover evrything except their face. Then soon enough after the 'Kapan' is over, the prayer for the dead will be perform. That was really my first to perform the prayer for my dad and I could't hold in my tears.

We have to arak my dad out to the void deck for the final farewell before we move to the cemetary. I took the bus with my closest cousin, Raiz on my right and my dad's doted nephew, Abang Noor on my left. The 3 of us are his favourite and we were the three to bring him down to his burial. I have to because i'm his only son. Sad as it is, I could't cry.

And Alhamdulillah his burial is safe.

These were the photos taken on that evening. Everything was calm and peaceful. Windy as well.


Dearest Kak Syikeen came for his funeral.

As well as Dearest Quincy.

Dearest Khim and Xin ning came at night.


The 2nd day after his burial, Dearest Winson and Aisha (Edwin's girlfriend) came to see me. They came after school and we had dinner.

After an hour they left Dearest Edwin came without telling me. He said it was meant to be a surprised. Thank you. I served him food and we ate this biscuits that was like one of the vintage snacks we used to eat when we were little.

To all my Dearest Friends/Family,

Thank you for all the support that is given to me to go thru this process.

Although my dad had leave, but he will still be in my heart.

Thank you for coming for those who came.

And to all my Muslim Friends worldwide,

Thank you for the prayers and love.

Thank you for praying the 'Al-fatihah' to my dad.

May he be blessed with His heaven and all.

May he leaves with no regrets.

and May Allah forgive, love, and brings him close to Him.



Muhammad Syahid Bin Mohamed Isnin

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