
Olympic 2008



Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shopping Spree!

The day started out at home around 12 noon when I just got up after my alarm rang for "God damn bloody looongg.." I'm meeting XN and Khim for a shopping spree after getting a hard-earn pay for 2 weeks of routined dancing. Its driving me nuts!
There's this man who I alwaes see near my house's bus stop who actually jogged with his damn short FBT's shorts, showing off his hair-less muscular legs while listening to his MP3 and mouthing the words. We alwaes will meet eventually and he will keep looking at my direction. Weird. Well, he's quite hott though but nah! But today he was different. He was not in his running gears but instead look like he is going somewhere like a date I guessed. He was wearing this fitted Tshirt, long skinny twisted seams pants, a pair of the new edition brown high-cut converse shoes and a small pouch on his hand. He looked at me again and I just looked blurred. hee! Stupid lah! (Whitney would say) OMG~! We took he same bus 63 and WTH? We sat at the same seats too. Its too coincidence lah! Feel so weird..
Oh yesh! I found this pack of biscuits which is fucking OLD school! Nice lah! But "What the HELL?!!" 70cents?! In the pass, it was just 40cents! Damn GST!

I had lunch at JustAcia which located at Douby Xchange. Good and cheap!
I had Bulgogi Set while Khim had Tori Katsu Set with Steamed Dumplings as side dish =)
Yummy!! Free-flow of ICE-CREAM!!!

Finally! Shopping!! Who needs a best friend if you can shop?! Nah.. I still need them. HAHA!!
Chocolate is MINE best medicine!

Coffee Beans

After so long of walking, Khim's legs hurts and we decided to sat down to have COFFEE!!
We went to Gucci, Bally, Hermes... at Takashimaya, but WTF?!
Khim told me that there was this lady who greets at the entrance of the Gucci outlet, stared at me from head to toes. Fuck you BITCH?! You think you are well off than me? ASS YOU?!! Your father is an asshole digger lah! OOops.. hee =)

P.Osh Brownie.. He was not there.

What I shop today?
BRITISH iNDIA's black pants that cost $89
after discount

GARSON's white cardigan which cost $63
50% off & purchase 2nd pair additional 10%
Khim & I bought one top each, she got the grey pullover and I got a white cardigan.
Both $126 after less.. FUCK IT?!
its even lesser than a top lah!
Its $58.70 for BOTH!!

We saw this chinese guy who also was in Garson buying some tops too and he was somewhat gayish but manly.. you know what I meant.
Both Khim & I was using the changing rooms and there was no vacancy room so he just striped infront of us to try out the top.. OMG~!
That's shocking! Great body though! Hahaa =)
Well, at least he have good abs to show lah.. Me? NOTHING!! Just FATS THAT OVERFLOW LIKE A MUFFIN!!!
OMG~! sad =(
I'm 59kg lah!! I weighed myself while changing in this brighty shop at Far East!
-I'm so gonna be a VEGETARIAN for a month-

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