
Olympic 2008



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I see Him

On fridae 18th April, was my communication presentation. Surprisingly, my group did well for the shoots =)

after that long sleepy day of presenting to the panel of judges, Joel, Ning and I went for dinner at douby xchange Just Acia Restaurant. OMG~! brownie guy was there too. The shop was opened and it was running out of brownie soon =S !!

I felt awkward sitting facing him, well he was quite busy and guess what?! He saw me and waved! I was so shocked and blushing away! Oh God! stoopid joel and ning provoking me over him! annoying!!! well! He's sweet =)

The next day saturdae 20th April, I went back to school to do my textile fabric. OMG~!! fucking asre! it was not easy as it seem to be. My work looks like patches of MENSES! lol
I went to the sewing room to overlock my fabric and He was there!! I didnt really see Him but He called out my name and i was surprised. He came down just to help His friend with the garment. so nice of Him. He still got loads of work to do before mondae its His assessment like mine. We chat with Shariff too. This small guy in fashion who looks like a small girl. lol! well, tell me abt it most fashion student looks like a girl. lol!

BTW, He and Shariff are going down to smoke and Shariff was rushing on completing his garment. CURSING AND SWEARING!! omg! Shariff..

Well, He asked me abt the job i'm working at. I tried to get Him a part of the role but that is decided by Nora =)
He helped me cut the overlocking threads on my fabrics.. so nice. I'm dying!

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