
Olympic 2008



Saturday, May 3, 2008

K.O Night with His Crew

I think todae is such a bizarre dae I would say. It was supposed to be simple and short yet it happened to be such a long sweet tiring dae. I woke up this morning thinking of going to Chinatown to run some errands and then to Carrefour to get the groceries for the chalet. However, everything changed. Elvin called me this morning asking me to go for Jay-R bboy competition at Scape Park. So I just agreed to it. I got ready, ironing my hair and still the weather is NUTS. Left the house around 2 plus and told them that I'm already on the way. I'm meeting them at Chinatown Point's MacDonald. And guess what Jay-R was there too! It been so long since I last see him. Just yesterdae when I tagged his blog that I must see him before he leave and I get to see him todae. Haha!

After my errands, we left for CineLeisure to meet the rest od the crew. Ben, Jerry and Winston. Obviously, they were late! Very late! Sigh! Elvin, Jay-R and I was just sitting at BK restlessly. Around 5pm they arrived and yes I saw Him. With those big glasses looking like a nerd but not. The rest of their crew were nice and funny people. Jerry outstand the most among all. He is hilarious, friendly, cute, thoughful, outspoken and cool. He looks abit like Nicholas Tjoa but bboy-ish and tall =) The other one is Ben. He is smart, stylish, mostly quiet depends (demure) and cool too. He was the one partnering Jay-R in the competition. Most of them are tall! =) Lastly Winston.. nah! I'm not gonna type abt Him =)

Oh yes, we met this malay guy, friend of theirs, who I known before from the Tommy Hilfiger Roadshow. Wow! What a small world it is? He is very quiet, QUIETER than Ben, skinny like Jay-R and nice. I've known him so ya =)

Btw, He sat infront of me in BK while having His lunch. He asked me whether I would want to eat too but I smiled and say its ok. Whereas I wanted to have a drink instead, therefore I told Him from afar, using mouth movement. It was so funny as we both was using that and it just look stupid. I said I wanted lemon barley but He said He could not see it and asked me to come. He said there is only barley. (-.-) It still barley right and He thot I wanted the one with the tint of lemon. Silly boy! He treats me for the drink and I was astonished. Its my first and perhaps my last too =( I'm so happy.

He ate like a boy who had never eat at BK before. It was messy but cute. He hates pickles and onions just like me too! =) And the boys were just talking and making fun of one another. It was really silly and crappy! Ben was on His left and Jerry was on His right. Jerry was like shooting at Jay-R verbally, disturbing him and the topic was quite indecent but it was funny! Poor Jay-R! Ben was quite quiet, playing Jay-R's PSP and there was once when he tapped on His shoulder, He cursed! haha! He had sunburnt from Sentosa the other dae. Red like lobster, pain like fire. Haha! I offered Him a lotion I had for sunburnt as to repair its tissues but He said It ok, He did applied Johnson Johnson lotion. Boy, that won't help like the Vichy lotion. OMG~! While queneing to get in, He actually placed His hand inside His shirt and show me His perspiration! Eeek~! So wet and disgusting! It was entirely wet! Stupid Him! He sticked tissues on His abs to get rid of the sweat! How silly?!! It will be fibre-ish lah! Why must you show me the sweat la?!! (Run away)

Let's move on to the competiton. Very long thanks to the Hip Hop category. The bboys were fantastic! BLOODY BRILLIANT!! It felt painful and dislocating to me lah! Ouch~! but overall GREAT WORK!! SMOKED!! okok.. I shall not go on with me and bboy. I'm a noob! Lol! CONGRATE TO JAY-R!! He made it into the final! Woohoo~!! Ssup!?! OMG~! I better stop with those. Hee! There is a vid I took of him and Ben. Have a look =)

I was abit upset todae though. He didn't really come to me and accompany me. I was quite left aside. He was with His friends usually BUT He did went up to me and apologised because He neglected me aside. He came up to me but we don't really have any convo to chat abt therefore He was usually with the rest. Its not His fault but I hate myself. I don't know. I'm angry yet sad with Him but seriously He did trird His best and He did came up to me, feeling bad abt neglecting and forgotten abt me =( Sad but I guess Its fated to be. Sigh!

After the results, all of us went for dinner at CineLeisure's KFC since I dont't like BK. HEE! Yet He sat infront of me again! Ahh.. (no tears! no tears!) He, Ben and Jay-R went to order while the rest of us were just waiting for awhile. I talked to Jerry abt his life. He told me alot of it. He's 22 this year, NS, from NYC's multimedia. He loves dancing and he can't live without music. LOL! I remembered all this =) He is really attractive and really good in his speech. He is superb with his communication skill too! I admired him. However, He is better to a certain extent and thats why I fall for Him deeply.

He is alseep now. He just wish me good nights.
Oh ya, He said in my MSN that I'm cute like what He told me before. Add on, He said XN and I both pretty!! wee! =)

Good nights Dearest Him =)

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