
Olympic 2008



Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour Day

Sigh! Todae was so fucking HOTT!! I was like melting dramatically! I dont intend to go out actually but I need to get the disc from Khim. All I do for someone, I feel so dumb. Sigh! However, I did it for Him so it doesn't really matter. Just being nice. My family went out and I meet them afterwards. We went Geylang to but grocceries and 'baju-baju' Hahaa! I felt so weird there. Malays everywhere =S. He didn't call me yet but instead I was texts-ing Winson. Silly boy! He was bored at work. Moving on, after I sent the goods home with my mum I left home again to meet Winson. That boy wants me to come down find him since he thinks that someone is stealing me away. He thinks I am evil that I would go at the extent to help and do things for Mr. Him while I did nothing for him. (-.-)
Oh Winson showed me the guy who wanna know Hazel and I think he is not bad but short sadly. Not that I am against the short community but it just a casual remark that I prefers tall guys. Hahaa! Well Quincy, dont get offenced k? haaha! You are still cute =)
Later on, after he had knocked off from work he had his usual sin, ice-cream (not just an ice-cream but strawberry ice-cream) roll eyes.. roll eyes..
We talked alot about relationship and took a bus to the same usual hang out place, Yassin's prata! Yesh! Our best place to be laughing our guts out! Its like our rendezvous. Theresa was there, XN and us la from Douby. Khim could not make it due to submission work to dwell on. Seriously Winson didn't take curry?! I was astonished. Well boy, whats the point of prata or thosai without its curry. That would just be plain oily flourish pitas. Ya! We had thosai and Theresa had Cheezy prata. I still find Winson's hair distracting. I'm sorry dude but its the truth. Haahaa! XN as Inverted Ice-cream, Winson as Curly Maggi.. thank God Theresa and I are not in the topic.
Oh ya! I miss Quincy. He is going in Sept 15, Peanut June 13 same as Dearest. Sadness!
Sis I feel you! =(

I remembered something and I just need to blog it down. During school, last month, as I was leaving for lunch He asked me to help Him buy batteries for His speakers as He needs music. Well of course I did the honour as usual. He didnt have enough with Him and He actually wanted to pass me His ATM card with the password and help Him withdraws some cash for the batteries. I was like " ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" its your personal stuffs and you are open to gave me the password. In a way, I should be like on cloud nine but seriously no. I couldn't. I felt like I'm His and everything He did was way to open to me. Good but please boy.. I'm not your girlfriend. I don't like it at times. I feel weird. And where is she?!! Good riddens but (sigh!) I'm not as bad as to kill her brutally. Just whatever! I don't want to sin..

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