
Olympic 2008



Saturday, August 2, 2008

Donuts on Saturday with ME

WAIT WAIT!! Before I forget.. I was inside on one of Teens Magazine February issue this year 2008. Reason? Messages of LOVE for Valentine Day. So ugly la my photo taken =(

Isaac in too! =)

While at HOME today.

My kitten named 'Adik' taking a kittynap on her mom (Baby)


There's Bear-bear taking a catnap on the window's gills.

Today I went to my Sis' place to send some groceries for Sunday's Kenduri for my Dad's 7 days.

The kenduri will be held at my Sis' house which is located at Simei.

I was from Tampines interchange taking bus number 38 and I saw 2 kites flying high!

If only I could be like them =)

J.CO Donuts @ Bugis Junction

Omg! Look at the amount of donutss we ordered!! I'm sooo gonna be on a diet after feasting on those mouth-watering masterpieces! Seriously, the normal donuts are as nice too! SWEETTS~

Btw I was out with my Bro and his girlfriend, Kak Nur =) =)


This is Terence. (Laughs) I hope you love it dearie =)

A drawing of you like I promise!

He called me and we talked awhile like for 3hours =)

Seriously, my malay sucks la cik abang. He speaks to me in Malay-cum-English and as you guys know SYAHID is so not a Malay-spoken person but he gets to hear me speak in my dialect. (eek) Cacat kan like I said. He is really good and fluent with my dialect. OMG~! You spoke like a true Muslim guy =)

Look look! I drew you in NUM (NewUrbanMale) boy. Triangular shaped bods! LOL


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